Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What does the color of wine tell you?

From my experience when Seeing for the color and clarity of wine......in white wines, the lighter in color they are the younger they are  and for reds, the lighter in color they are the older the wine is.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

As I'm getting reading to end my day, I was thinking, of those 20 or so that have read my post, what it is that you are interested in knowing?  Each comment, will be entered into my hostess drawing, (which means you can choose to receive your first month of wine club at 1/2 price. 14.50 for 2 bottles, or 28.75 for 4 bottles just to name a few of the benies.

Your turn.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Serving Temperature

What temperature should you serve your wine?  I hear this question a lot during wine tastings, and I have to follow wine expert, Tim Hanni serve it at the temperature that you like it.

I know, not the answer most type A personalities want to hear, but one that does need to be noted.  Wine is meant to be enjoyment, so enjoy it at the temperature you like it.

So to answer the question in a general, white wines, chill about 2 hours prior to serving, (Sparkling always on it's side) and red wines, chill 1/2 an hour prior to serving, cooler than room temperature.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Storing Your Wine

Once you have your wine and know you are not going to consume it in the next day or two, store your wine in a room that has a very consistent temperature, like the basement, And always store it on its side.  This allows the cork to stay moist and will allow the wine to age nicely.

For more great wine tips check out my website